I am a Ph.D. candidate at Yonsei University and currently part of the Digital Image Media Lab. I am advised by Prof. Kwang-Hoon Sohn and Prof. Dong-Bo Min. Also, I am coworking with Ji-Young Lee of the Naver AI Lab and Jung-In Park.

My research interests include machine learning and computer vision. In particular, my research interests are in line with understanding the intrinsic motivation for human learning and answering the following question, “How do humans deal with harsh situations and numerous cases, and why machines can not?”. Therefore, my research interests are as follows:

  • Domain Generalization, Unsupervised Domain Adaptation, Data Imbalance Problem.
  • Meta-learning, Memory Network.
  • Vision-Language model, Image Segmentation.

If you are interested in my research projects, please feel free to contact me.


[ Oct, 2023 ] 📜 Our paper on Non-stationary Test-Time Adaptation (TTA) was accepted to WACV 2024.
[ Jul, 2023 ] 📜 Our paper on Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding (EaTR) was accepted to ICCV 2023.
[ Feb, 2023 ] 📜 Our paper on Prompt Engineering for image segmentation was accepted to CVPR 2023.
[ Feb, 2022 ] 📜 Our paper on Domain Generalization for image segmentation was accepted to CVPR 2022.
[ Jun, 2021 ] 📜 Our paper on Domain Generalization for classification was accepted to ICIP 2021.


Mar, 2020 - Present Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
Integrated M.S./Ph.D. student in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Advisor: Prof. Kwanghoon Sohn
Mar, 2013 - Feb, 2020 Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea
B.S. in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Mar, 2010 - Feb, 2013 Ulsan Science High School, Ulsan, South Korea


  1. Park2023LayerwiseAF2.jpg
    Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation
    Junyoung Park, Jin Kim, Hyeongjun Kwon, Ilhoon Yoon, and Kwanghoon Sohn
    IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 2024
    Keywords: Test_Time_Adaptation Domain_Adaptation
  2. jang2023knowing1.jpeg
    Knowing Where to Focus: Event-aware Transformer for Video Grounding
    Jinhyun Jang, Jungin Park, Jin Kim, Hyeongjun Kwon, and Kwanghoon Sohn
    IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023
    Keywords: Vision_Language_Model Detection_Transformer Video_Grounding
  3. kwon2023probabilistic.jpg
    Probabilistic Prompt Learning for Dense Prediction
    Hyeongjun Kwon, Taeyong Song, Somi Jeong, Jin Kim, Jinhyun Jang, and Kwanghoon Sohn
    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2023
    Keywords: Prompt_Engineering Vision_Language_Model Probabilistic_Model Segmentation
  4. pinthememory_cvpr22.jpg
    Pin the Memory: Learning to Generalize Semantic Segmentation
    Jin Kim, Jiyoung Lee, Jungin Park, Dongbo Min, and Kwanghoon Sohn
    IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 2022
    Keywords: Domain_Generalization Meta_Learning Memory_Network Segmentation
  5. sbdg_icip21.jpg
    Self-balanced Learning For Domain Generalization
    Jin Kim, Jiyoung Lee, Jungin Park, Dongbo Min, and Kwanghoon Sohn
    IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 2021
    Keywords: Data_Imbalance Domain_Generalization Meta_Learning

🏆Honors and Awards

Yonsei University Graduate School Fellowship (2020-2022)
  • Scholarship for 3 years ($14,000)
Agency for Defense Development & DACON Ship Detection Challenge (2019)
  • The 6\(^{\textnormal{th}}\) / 383 entries
Yonsei University Academic Excellence Award (2017, 2018)
  • Winner ($2,500)
Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency Award Certificate (2016)
  • by Commissioner General
Korea Student Aid Foundation National Science & Technology Fellowship (2013-2020)
  • Full scholarship for 4 years ($31,000)


Semantic image segmentation apparatus and method using memory (2022)
  • International patent - Patent Coorperation Treaty (PCT)
메모리를 이용하는 의미론적 영상 분할 장치 및 방법 (2021)
  • Korean patent



Mar, 2023 - Mar, 2024 Digital Image Media Lab, Yonsei University
Lab Manager
  • Construct organizations, Project team building
Mar, 2020 - Jun, 2021 Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Yonsei University
Teaching Assistant
  • Digital signal processing
  • Electrical and electronic engineering experiments: fundamentals
  • Capstone Design
Mar, 2017 - Mar, 2018 Yonsei Forum Of Risk Management in Yonsei University
Active and Teaching members.
  • Gained expertise in probabilistic model of finance (ex. BSM formula) & risk management
Jun, 2015 - Dec, 2016 Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, S. Korea
Cybercrime Investigation Unit
  • Provided automation programs such as web scrapping required for the cyber
    criminals investigation.
  • Criminal cases I had assisted in investigating: Illegal pornography sites with overseas
    servers(SBS), Hacking(YTN), and Making illegal personal information acquisition(MBC,KBS)